Pajingo’s Tailings storage Facility Project

Our Pajingo mine in QLD currently has 3 Tailings Storage Facilities (TSF) TSF1, Scott Lode Pit and Janet ‘A’ Pit.

Tailings storage capacity is critical infrastructure to enable the continuity of operations, without tailings capacity the operation will be required to stop. Our shareholders have great confidence in the Pajingo operation and this significant ±$25m investment help ensuring a long and sustainable mine life for the operations.

The TSF Stage construction commitment will aim to not only meet regulatory compliance but also provide the requisite storage capacity for an additional 2 years of processing to align with Minjar Gold’s current operational plans. Undertaking these works now will provide the operation the required time to evaluate further resource potential and solidify the requisite plans and regulatory approvals to capitalise on PJO’s future resource value.

An engineering study was conducted by ATC Williams to present options to Pajingo for additional TSF capacity. The Engineering study, undertaken in July 2020, confirmed that Pajingo has approximately 15 months of tailings capacity (based on 18mth forecast) prompting new design options.

Various options were assessed with recommendation based on the forecasted volume of tailings required and to allow time for extensions in mine life whilst also anticipating the required departmental approvals.

Expressions of interest for the construction of the TSF 1 Stage 10 Lift were sent to sixteen (16), civil and mining contractors on 20 Aug 2020. Of these 12 contractors expressed interest in participating in the tender, 4 contractors failed to respond and Civil Plus Constructions withdrew after receiving the tender pack and reviewing the scope of work.

An award to Exact Civil Constructions Pty Ltd to construct the Pajingo TSF 1 Stage 10 Lift were made in December 2020.

Work is progressing better than expected on the stage 10 TSF lift. Material is being laid on the northern, western, and eastern walls to the specified compaction with no addition of water.

March overall fill placed equated to 265,080m³ in a 29-day period as two days were lost to wet weather. The average daily movements placed exceeded 9,140m³ proving that if the material quality meets the specification it will facilitate efficient construction practices.

The eastern foundation was established in early March up to 10m from the 11kV power infrastructure feeding the decant tower. The decant walkway and low voltage power has subsequently been decommissioned and removed. The 11kV powering the raw water dam is inhibiting access to the southern extent of the eastern wall and is currently being decommissioned which will allow full access to the eastern and southern walls.

Ongoing north, east and west wall embankment works are continuing in April. Embankment fill will continue to be utilised from the primary borrow and the storm water pond. Achieving this has the potential to increase the storm water holding capacity to around 300ML.